Create a safe environment for your preschooler by helping to develop their confidence in and around water. We have a range of lessons available to suit any level your little swimmer is at.
PreSchool (3 - 5 years)
PreSchool Tadpoles
(3 - 5 years)
Lesson Duration: 30 Minutes
Ratio: 3:1
This level is right for you if: Your child is new to lessons, nervous about the water, or is not yet independently submerging and propelling.
We work on: Breath control, confident submerging, gliding and propulsion, confidence laying on back.
OUR GOAL: Children who can happily submerge, glide and propel.
PreSchool Starfish
(3 - 5 years)
Lesson Duration: 30 Minutes
Ratio: 3:1
This is the right level for you if: Your child is independently submerging and propelling
1 - 2 meters and is happy to lay on their back with/without assistance.
We work on: Extending breath control, kicking mechanics, arm strokes, independent back float and propulsion.
OUR GOAL: Swimmers who are confident submerging and independently kicking.
PreSchool Superfish
(3 - 5 years)
Lesson Duration: 30 Minutes
Ratio: 4:1
This is the right level for you if: Your child can do 6 high freestyle arm strokes without breathing. Is independently kicking on their back. Can roll from front to back.
We work on: Develop a freestyle stroke and breathing position, backstroke, dolphin wriggles and surface diving.
OUR GOAL: Children who understand their capabilities and exercise independent judgement regarding safety in and around water.
PreSchool Advanced
(3 - 5 years)
Lesson Duration: 30 Minutes
Ratio: 5:1
This is the right level for you if: Your child can swim freestyle rolling to breathe to the side for 5 - 10 meters, can swim backstroke for 12 meters.
We work on: Extend freestyle endurance, backstroke, butterfly stroke, surface dives and survival floating.
OUR GOAL: Confident, skilled little swimmers who have extensive water safety knowledge.
Swim School Information
What to Bring:
Swimming Cap
Swimming togs
Water bottle
Snack and drink for afterwards
If you need to bring your pushchair into the facility we ask that you park them away from entries and exits allowing people to pass easily.
We do not recommend eating within 30 minutes of lessons to reduce risk of tummy cramps and upsets.
We do recommend having and snack available for your little ones after class.
What to Wear:
We recommend snug fitting togs and advise against rash tops and board shorts as they can hinder swimming progress.
Swimming Caps for ages 3 + caps are compulsory. We have several options at reception to purchase.
Should a swimmer be unable to attend their lesson, please mark your child absent through the customer portal, or notify reception by email info@swimtastic.co.nz or leave a message on our absences phone line 09 527 0010 as soon as possible.
If the absence is due to illness, please refer to our Make-up Policy procedure in our Terms & Conditions.